.NET / C#
Software development.
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- Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to your website or other websites.
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Selected: Apps /
Cross-platform implementation of .NET application development projects, being web, mobile, desktop, hybrid or embedded apps, from various .NET development frameworks avalible to choose from, as native UI apps native to the platform on which they are deployed, or as web UI apps to run in the browser.
Create and configurations
Create app project with/without login
- Apply dependency injection
- Setup logging
- Handle cookies
- Setup routing/navigation
- Handle application settings
- Handle state & session
- Access environment directories
- Add codebehind to Razor Components
Manage content
- View-code data exchange
- Applying partial view
- Partially updating views
- Apply styling
- JavaScript Interop
- Handling Json
Consuming services
- Web api
- gRPC
- Azure functions
Add backend functionalities
- Setup database
- Setup mail services
- Setup Active Directory services
Add security
- Handling HTTPS certificates
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Apply cryptography
- Handle app secreats
- Apply device orientation
- Unit testing
- Containerizing app
Cloud intergration
- Deploy to Azure App Service
- Configure CI/CD with DevOps
Create and configurations
Create .NET MAUI app project
with/without authentication - Apply dependency injection
Setup MVVM
Setup ViewModels
Setup bindings
Setup commands
Setup behaviors
- Setup logging
Setup routing/navigation
- Handle application settings
- Access environment directories
- Handling platform API
Manage content
- Apply styling
- Handling view-code data exchange
- Applying partial view
- Partially updating views
- Handling Json
Consuming services
- Web api
- gRPC
- Worker service
Backend services
- Setup database
- Setup mail services
- Setup Active Directory services
Add security
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Data protection
- App secreats
- Apply device orientation
- Unit testing
- Deploy to Android
- Deploy to iOS
- Deploy to Windows
- Deploy to MacOS
Create and configurations
Create winForm project
with/without authentication - Apply dependency injection
- Setup logging
- Handle application settings
Consuming services
- Web api
- gRPC
- Worker service
Backend services
- Setup database
- Setup mail services
- Setup Active Directory services
Add security
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Data protection
- App secreats
- Unit testing
- Publishing
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